

Great for home renovations & more.

Upfront Pay is a win-win payment platform for service providers & their customers. For customers, Upfront Pay offers protection by securing the funds until the job is complete, while service providers can have confidence that they’ll get paid fair and quickly.


Type your service provider’s details below and we’ll get in touch with more information about Upfront Pay.


This is how it works.

Let’s walk you through it.


Create a job

Service provider submits job quote to customer for approval.


Customer pays

Customer deposits job payment with Upfront Pay.


Complete the job

Service provider completes the job and customer approves.


Funds are released

Service provider gets paid – super fast!

Watch this to learn more.

Meet Cam, the founder of Upfront Pay. In this video, he will explain you more how Upfront Pay works, so can get paid on time, every time.


How much does Upfront Pay cost?

Upfront Pay accounts are free (takes 2 mins) & no monthly subscription is needed. Transaction fees are only 0.9% and are automatically deducted (e.g. a transfer of $1,000 will automatically deduct a transaction fee of $9). Transactions are unlimited, use as you need.

Minimum transaction fee is $4.99 per transfer. Transaction fees are capped at $100 per transfer (for transfers $10,000+). Tradies can use Upfront Pay for free by adding 0.9% to their invoices to allow for payment security.

How do I use Upfront?

Using Upfront Pay is easy:

Book a demo here.

Is Upfront Pay safe?

Upfront Pay is registered as a remittance provider with AUSTRAC. The Australian Transaction Reports & Analysis Centre is responsible for detecting, deterring, and disrupting criminal abuse of the financial system.

Also, your funds are held in a secure, third party account, and will not be released unless agreed upon by both parties. While the money is in the holding account, it stays right there, it is not invested or moved around in any way.

I am wanting some work done by a service provider. How do I use this system?

Upfront Pay offers security to both sides of the working partnership. Simply ask your chosen contractor to sign up to Upfront Pay. It’s a win for them too, so it should be smooth sailing. Sign up takes about 2 minutes.