

Only 0.9%

Sending + receiving money to pay for services can be easy, fast & secure when using Upfront Pay.

Secure & Easy

Service providers can use Upfront Pay for free by adding 0.9% to their quote to cover the transaction fee.

*A transfer of $1,000 will automatically
deduct a transaction fee of $9.


Get paid

We hold the job payment upfront, and release the funds when the job is complete and the customer is satisfied.

Very quick

Create a job using Upfront Pay. It only takes 2 minutes if you have the job details handy. No credit card details required.

Always reliable

We hold the job payment upfront, and release the funds when the job is complete and the customer is satisfied.


Create a job


Customer pays


Job complete


Funds released


How do I try it out?

Sign up free by creating a new job within our app. Available on:

Book a demo here.

What’s the Upfront Pay story?

Watch the full story here.

Our story started because a Sunshine Coast tradie was tired of not being paid and chasing late payments, and hearing the same issues from his friends, so he decided to do something about it. Cam Hodges is the founder and CEO of Upfront Pay. He is a concreting contractor and company owner, with a degree in Criminal Justice.

Seeing the criminal and unjust issue of non-payment and late payment in the construction industry, along with the lack of avenues to recoup lost money, Cam was spurred on to find a fair solution for tradies and homeowners.

Where can I get more information?

Please contact us for any questions you may have, or assistance with creating a new job. Alternatively, take a look at our FAQ for some quick tips.